Homework 2022
Welcome to students and families for the 2020 academic year. Please note the following homework expectations:
Must do:
Must do:
- Read for 20 minutes each night. Remember to log your reading online when finished.
- Sign into Homework Hound.
- You are encouraged to explore the resources on the Mr Patton website, including access to subscription services available on the launchpad.
- Share some of the spelling and maths games with your family and friends. Alternatively you can complete an independent maths or spelling activity.
Have you logged your reading online?Remember you can earn bonus points by logging your reading online regularly.
Homework HoundEach week students will be asked to log-in and complete a series of questions. Homework Hound automatically saves your answers as you go, so you can choose to complete the entire series of questions or complete them across a few days. Homework Hound also encourages cross curricular activities recognising strengths that may exist in other areas of the curriculum including the arts, science, interpersonal skills and more. Please check your login card for your username and password to access Homework Hound. Click the button below to begin.