Press Freedom
The recent raids by the Australian Federal Police on media organisations have been controversial so we look at what press freedom is and why it’s important.
1. Discuss the Press Freedom story as a class and record the main points of the discussion.
2. What does Freedom of Press mean? Describe using your own words.
3. Complete this sentence. In Australia it's generally agreed that the _____________ shouldn't interfere with the media unless there's a really good reason.
4. The Australian Federal Police are currently investigating which media organisation?
a. News Corp
b. Australian Broadcasting Corporation
c. Both
5. What were the police looking for?
6. Why might the government want to keep some official information secret?
7. What is a whistle-blower?
8. Do you think government secrets should be shared?
9. Name three facts you learnt watching the BTN story.
10. What questions do you have after watching the BTN story?
2. What does Freedom of Press mean? Describe using your own words.
3. Complete this sentence. In Australia it's generally agreed that the _____________ shouldn't interfere with the media unless there's a really good reason.
4. The Australian Federal Police are currently investigating which media organisation?
a. News Corp
b. Australian Broadcasting Corporation
c. Both
5. What were the police looking for?
6. Why might the government want to keep some official information secret?
7. What is a whistle-blower?
8. Do you think government secrets should be shared?
9. Name three facts you learnt watching the BTN story.
10. What questions do you have after watching the BTN story?