1. Only UVA rays can damage skin cells. True or false?
2. What do UVB rays do?
3. How does sunscreen work?
4. Why is it good to use a broad spectrum sunscreen?
5. What does SPF stand for on sunscreens?
6. You should apply sunscreen ___________ before you go into the sun.
7. How often should it be reapplied?
8. Apart from wearing sunscreen, how can people protect their skin from sun damage?
9. What do you understand more clearly since watching the BtN story?
2. What do UVB rays do?
3. How does sunscreen work?
4. Why is it good to use a broad spectrum sunscreen?
5. What does SPF stand for on sunscreens?
6. You should apply sunscreen ___________ before you go into the sun.
7. How often should it be reapplied?
8. Apart from wearing sunscreen, how can people protect their skin from sun damage?
9. What do you understand more clearly since watching the BtN story?